Ms Krone-Raab, what are the most important offers for the costume design and art departments; what concerns can costume designers, set designers, prop makers, etc. turn to the BBFC with?
↑ Potsdam
Christiane Krone-Raab:
We can be very helpful when it comes to complex motif situations, but in principle you can contact us with any concerns. We will then look at whether and how we can provide the best support. We are very well networked and quite experienced in mediating problems and pointing out possible solutions. We also run a location database and a production guide. The location database lists an incredible number of different motifs with their respective contact details, and crew members from all trades can register in our Production Guide - we use this service to support the marketing of your service. In addition, our participation in initiatives on topics such as sustainability or the shortage of skilled labour is an intersection for the members of the VSK and the Film Commissions.
The BBFC is structurally embedded in an extensive network of national and international film commissions. Can art & costume departments benefit from this network, for example in an international travel production?
↑ Alt Stralau
Christiane Krone-Raab:
Yes, definitely, because the services you receive from the German Film Commissions are available worldwide. EUFCN and AFCI are the two international networks of which we are also an active member. We maintain a lively exchange and work according to the same standards.
You are promoting cooperation with the film industry to local authorities. Which film locations have been developed with the help of the BBFC? What role does the Art Department play in such an initiative?
↑ Kegelbahn Berlin
Christiane Krone-Raab:
Our Filmland Brandenburg initiative, which we launched together with Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg, has intensified our work with Brandenburg's districts and regions. We are active on various levels, but are focussing on location tours to showcase Brandenburg's diversity. For example, Eisenhüttenstadt has moved more onto the agenda, as has Nauen. In the future, we hope that the city of Eberswalde, for example, with its industrial past, but also Cottbus and Forst, among others, will be in even greater demand. There are also some very good co-operations, such as the one with the F60 visitor mine in the Elbe-Elster district - a location and a region that is currently giving the Lauchhammer series a face. This will certainly bring it into the focus of other productions. And here, too, there are networks that we activate and utilise, such as with the regional tourism associations. We still have many places on our list that are worth scouting. We would be delighted if our offers were also met with interest from production designers.
The BBFC website offers a catalogue of locations that can be researched using categories and a search engine. This also allows anyone to offer their own premises as a film location. How does the process work?
Christiane Krone-Raab:
With the motif database, we primarily show how diverse the locations in the capital region are. They serve to promote the location and are intended to help productions make the decision to realise their production in Berlin-Brandenburg. We have editorial control over the data published on our website and in the database. This means that we check every entry online. However, the cloud solution allows the creators to maintain, update and delete their motifs themselves. This means that communication between production and creators can also be conducted directly. The database also offers location agencies and location scouts the opportunity to post their motifs so that productions become aware of them.
How can the BBFC support our departments in protecting the environment?
↑ Swimming Pool Prenzlauer Berg
Christiane Krone-Raab:
The German Film Commissions have been organising the "Keen to be green" series since 2020, in which the VSK acts as a partner. At these events, we share knowledge about new materials, highlight opportunities for greater sustainability and listen to expert opinions and experiences. We have also compiled a helpful collection of information on the topic of sustainability at www.bbfc.de under the keyword Green Filming for all trades.
Our work touches on numerous legal issues, from the handling of weapons on set to labour law and customs issues for travelling productions. Much of this is handled in close co-operation between the production department and our departments. Can the BBFC also support us here?
Christiane Krone-Raab:
Yes, of course—on the one hand via the extensive information on our website, but also by talking to us directly on the phone or by e-mail. We are very easy to contact. As I said, we are quite experienced in mediating problems and pointing out possible solutions, both for licences and other problems. We also regularly invite people to our online event series "BBFC Focus on Filming". The aim of the event is to bring together filmmakers, authorities and / or film makers and to promote an up-to-date exchange. It's worth taking part. We are allowed to record some of these rounds and they can also be watched on our YouTube channel.
What joint projects are the BBFC and VSK currently working on and how do you think this collaboration could be further developed?
↑ Wittenau
Christiane Krone-Raab:
At the moment, this is primarily the online event series "Keen to be green", which the BBFC is in charge of organising on behalf of the German Film Commissions. However, in addition to this and the issue of skills shortages, I see many other common interests and tasks. Good communication is important, of course we have that, but we can certainly realise one or two other things together.
Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us!